the Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Index
Belgian Hare Rabbit Breeders
"King of the Fancy"
Photos Provided by Whitney of Imagination Rabbitry
The Belgian Hare was once a breed booming in popularity. It is
now considered one of the rarer breeds and is listed by the
American Livestock Breeds Conservancy as
"threatened." Belgian Hares come in a standard rufus red color which is ticked in
black with a wavy pattern, there are unrecognized varieties of Belgian Hares in
existence such as the black and tan variety. Belgian Hares were developed by crossing domestic
rabbits with their ancestor the wild European Rabbit. Hares are known for their
elegant body shape, curious personalities and slender physiques.
Hares tend to require special housing such as solid flooring over wire and taller hutches in order to develop correctly. Hares can have large litters with 11-13 not being uncommon, average litter size is 6-8. Hares are usually good mothers although extra fur may need to be added to their nests during cold periods.
Belgian Hares are a full arched breed and are posed when shown; their pose is very elegant as they are posed on their tip toes with their heads carried high which exemplifies their extreme length and sweeping arch starting at the base of the neck all the way through the hindquarters.
Max Weight: 9.5 lbs.
Photo provided by Whitney of Imagination Rabbitry
The American Belgian Hare Club Website
The American Belgian Hare Club is an ARBA chartered national specialty club for Belgian Hares, details on joining and more information about the breed can be found on the website.
An excellent resource for the Belgian Hare enthusiast to connect with other Belgian Hare breeders via message board.
Photo provided by Domonique of North Wood Rabbitry.
Whitney Post Central Virginia Belgian Hares, Rhinelanders A small rabbitry focusing on rare and heritage breeds. Listed: 11/01/09
Looney Lops Rabbitry Jenny Tice Holt, Michigan (517)-694-9023 Belgian Hares, English Lops Listed: 11/01/09 |
Keep's Rabbitry Kristen Drum North Carolina Belgian Hares, Holland Lops, Jersey Woolies Keep's Rabbitry is a small rabbitry with big aspirations, breeding top quality animals. Listed: 11/01/09 |
Northwood Rabbitry Domonique Gaudreau Sweden, Maine Belgian Hares, Mini Rex, with a small scale Jersey Wooly project. Listed 11/01/09 |
Lindsay's Lops Lindsay Waldrep Arizona English Lops, Holland Lops, Netherland Dwarfs, Belgian Hares Beautiful AZ Grown Bunnies! English are our main focus, as most are Grand Champions! We also raise BEW Netherland Dwarfs, Hollands in a rainbow of colors, and have just added a Trio of Hares to our Herd. Listed: 11/21/09 |
Happy Hares Rabbitry Lyttle/Bilskie Family Indiana Belgian Hares, Britannia Petites Happy Hares Rabbitry is a family ran hobby rabbitry that specializes in Belgian Hares and Britannia Petites. We are the proud home to both 2008 & 2009 ARBA BOSB Convention winners in youth! Listed: 11/21/09 |
HeathersFeatherFarm Heather Langdon California Velveteen Lops, Mini Rex, Belgian Hares Breeder of quality Velveteen Lops, Belgian Hares, and blue eyed white Mini Rex, with other colors available as well. Listed: 11/24/09 |
Rarehare Rabbitry Jeanne Walton Illinois Belgian Hares Rarehare Rabbitry, as I love the Rabbits that are Rare breeds. Listed: 11/24/09 |
All Jersey Rabbitry Stephen Pappas New Jersey 732-347-0785 Belgian Hares, Standard Chinchillas, Tans, Mini Rex (red), New Zealands (white) All Jersey Rabbitry is an ARBA registered rabbitry, a small rabbitry at that. Listed: 11/28/09 |
7 week
old baby Belgian Hares![]() Photo provided by Whitney of Imagination Rabbitry |
4 week old baby Belgian Hares
Photo provided by Whitney of Imagination Rabbitry |
Do you have photos of Belgian Hares you would like to share? Please submit them here!
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