the Rabbit and Cavy Breeders Index
Flemish Giant Rabbit Breeders
"the Universal Breed"
Blue Flemish Giant photo provided by Melissa of Fuzzibutt's Rabbitry
Max Weight: none
Flemish Giant photo provided by Piet van Genugten of PVG Flemish Giants
Fuzzibutt's Rabbitry |
Holding Gold Rabbitry Mallary Goldman Texas (214) 796-2356 Mini Rex, Satin, New Zealand, Flemish Giant Quality Mini Rex in LYNX, LILAC, and CHOCOLATE. Satins in Black, Chinchilla, and Chocolate. Listed: 11/21/09 |
PVG Flemish Giants Piet van Genugten Canada 1403-701-4631 Flemish Giant Listed: 11/24/09 |
Hoppy Acres Rabbitry Sharin Engler Alberta, Canada 780-472-7703 Holland Lops, Mini Rex, Lionheads & occasionally French Lops & Flemish Giants Breeding Show Quality Bunnies with Pet Personalities Listed: 11/25/09 |
Elise Vaughn Florida Dutch, Flemish Giants, Polish, New Zealands We breed pedigreed show/pet quality Dutch, Polish, Flemish Giants and New Zealands. Listed: 11/30/09 |
Regal Rabbitry Frank Scarola Florida 386 736-6454 Flemish Giants Listed: 11/30/08 |
A & L Rabbitry Lorri Lynn Arizona 623-486-1992 Mini Rex, Holland Lops, Flemish Giants Located in Glendale Arizona I have been raising and breeding rabbits for 18 years. I raise and show both the Holland Lop and Mini rex rabbits I also used to show Flemish Giant but just primarily sell them now but love them all. I also enjoy showing and educating others about rabbits. Listed: 11/30/09 |
JAM 'N Buns Rabbitry Pam Spillner Wisconsin American Fuzzy Lops, Creme D' Argent, Flemish Giant & Mini Rex We are an active ARBA/4-H family that breed for quality show stock in Central WI. Listed: 12/01/09 |
Ray Damiani Connecticut Continental, German and Flemish Giants My name is Ray Damiani. I am
the top sweepstakes winner in Flemish Giants for last year. |
Blue Summer Moon Farm Mollie Slater-Weatherford Virginia Dutch, Flemish Giant, Jersey Wooly, Lionhead, Mini Lop Welcome to our Farm and Rabbitry! We proudly raise pedigreed Bunnies and ADGA registered goats! please do not list my email, all customers can contact me thru the website! Listed: 4/21/10 |
Flemish Giant photo provided by Whitney of Imagination Acres
Do you have photos of Flemish Giants you would like to share? Please submit them here!
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